COVID 19- Peace of mind at Manchester Permanent Make Up.
At MPMU, the health and well being of clients is my number one priority.
I have worked tirelessly to ensure I am up to date with the latest Coronavirus (COVID-19) government guidance and have been pro-active in completing the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Prevention and Control course which is accredited by the Guild of Professional Beauty Therapists Ltd.
I have completed an in-depth Risk Assessment for Manchester Permanent Makeup as well as consulting with other experts in the field. I have successfully implemented some minor adjustments necessary to ensure all treatments can be carried out safely during the pandemic.
I have put together some Key Information below to give you further clarity and peace of mind when visiting Manchester Permanent Makeup.
You can relax and look forward to your treatment, knowing everything
‘COVID-19’ has been taken care of.
Love and best wishes,
Helen x
Key Information
- If you develop possible symptoms please DO NOT visit the treatment room and follow current guidance. Please let me know and we can rebook the appointment.
- If I develop symptoms of possible CO-VID I will cancel our appointment with as much notice as possible and follow guidance.
- For your safety and in order to socially distance, please do not bring anyone with you to the appointment.
- On arrival, I will take your temperature. You will be provided with a mask to wear and hand sanitiser.
- Most of my equipment is single use and throw away after each client. All other tools that are not are disinfected or sterilised in accordance with the manufacturers guidance for your safety.
- The treatment room is thoroughly cleaned between every client making sure common surfaces and door handles are wiped clean. As usual, the treatment bed and my work surface will be covered in protective film.
- I will wear PPE throughout your visit including face mask and shield.
- All laundry including my uniform is washed at 60 degrees.
- As usual, all disposable waste is bagged, stored and removed in accordance with health and safety guidance.

Download your FREE guide on what you need to know before you let anyone permanently tattoo your face.
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Helen Walker
Manchester Permanent Makeup Specialist
What To Do Next …
The first step to looking the very best version of you is to book a consultation today..
Let’s chat over coffee!! Come and talk about the treatment that is right for you.
Call Helen Now For A FREE No-Obligation Consultation on:
Tel: 07877052906